
This is a list of Bit terms that will help you understand the rest of the documentation.


A Git Repository or a directory initialized with Bit, consisting of a set of maintained Bit Components.

Learn more on the Workspace Anatomy


Git, Mercurial, SVN or other known VCS. Referred as "Composable Repository" is consisting Bit components.

Learn more on Repositories and Bit


A repository used to maintain a set of packages.

Learn more on Monorepo and Bit


Multiple repositories, each is used to maintain a set of packages.

Learn more on Polyrepo and Bit


The Bit Scope is a collaboration server for components. You can host scopes yourself or using Bit Cloud.

Configuring remote scopes


A component that can run on his own. Generally composed from components.

Learn more about apps

Development environment

A component consisting of the dev configurations and operations required to maintain components. Usually includes configuration files like: tsconfig.json, .babelrc, webpack.config.js or jest.config.js and can be used to assign components with the tools required to build them.

Learn more about development environments

Bit Component

A Bit Component is an independent and composable unit of software. It is seamless to use as a package, modify or deploy Learn more on the Bit Component.

Workspace component

A Workspace Component is a Bit Component, imported to your Workspace. Components are imported for maintanance and change purposes.

External dependencies

Components or packages used by components in your Workspace, usually as packages. Learn more on External Dependencies.


Composition are usage examples for your components. They are used to preview, document and test your components. Learn more on Compositions.


Snap is a snapshot of a component' files in a specific state. Can be used to save your work, and collaborate with others.

Learn more on Snapping


.bitmap is a file auto-generated and managed by Bit in the Workspace for mapping component to their corresponding directory in the project's file system.

Learn more on bitmap

Component ID

A universal unique identifier for a component. The Component ID includes the scope that describes the owner of the component, namespaces used for taxonomy, and name.

Learn more on the Bit Component ID.


Artifacts are files, generally large ones. Generated as part and persisted as part of the component' build process.

Learn more about [Artifacts](/components/component-artifacts/


Exporting means pushing changes from your local Workspace or CI to a remote Scope.

Learn more on Exporting components


Importing means importing components to your Bit Workspace from a remote scope.

Learn more on Importing components

Component directory

A Component Directory is a directory in the developer Workspace. Directories are mapped as Components using the .bitmap rootDir property which exist for every Component entry.

Learn more on the Component directory.

Main file

A component's main file generally exposes an API for other components and projects to use.

Learn more on the Main file.

Dev files

Dev files are component files used for development and not for production. Dev files are determined by the configuration set by Dev Environment.

Learn more on Dev files.

Dependency resolution

Dependency resolution refers to how Bit resolves dependencies. Dependencies are resolved from component' source code, and dependencies set on the Components or Workspace.

Learn more on the Bit dependency resolution


The node_modules directory is a standard directory in which modules are resolved from initially by the NodeJS Module Resolution and as a result by other tools across the JS ecosystem such as Webpack, Rollup, TypeScript and others.

Learn more on how Bit handle node_modules.

Local scope

A scope that is associated to a Bit Workspace. Consists Component objects and metadata.

Learn more on the Local Scope.


An isolated build container for a component build.

Learn more on the Bit Capsule.

Component configuration

To configure components via 'variants' see Configuration Variants.

A component's configuration consists of the Aspects it uses and the config set for each of them.

Learn more on Component Configuration.