Set Up a Formatter

To set a Formatter on a component or a group of components, configure it in the components' envs.

For example, the following configuration defines Prettier as the code formatter to use during development.

Install the formatter in your workspace:


Set the formatter in the relevant env:

/* @filename: my-env.bit-env.ts */

import { EnvHandler } from '@teambit/envs';
import { Tester } from '@teambit/tester';
import { Pipeline } from '@teambit/builder';
/* import the formatter to use by this env */
import { PrettierFormatter } from '@teambit/defender.prettier-formatter';

export class MyEnv  {
   * the path to the prettier config file.
  protected prettierConfigPath = require.resolve('./config/prettier.config.js');

 * the formatter to use to format code.
 * 'bit format'
  formatter() {
    return PrettierFormatter.from({
      /* use this config file */
      configPath: this.prettierConfigPath

export default new MyEnv();