Updating Envs

Envs enforce component development consistency, maintain high quality standards and make it easy to get started with component development.

However, envs themselves need to be updated from time to time. This often happens when new versions of the underlying tools are released, or when new features and configurations are added to the env.

To keep your component development consistent it is highly recommended to update their envs regularly.

This guide assumes the env has already been updated. The steps to upgrade your components with the updated env are the same whether the latest env is available remotely, versioned locally or even, only modified locally. You can test how your components behave with the updated env before releasing these changes.

Update components to their latest envs

Import components from their remote scope or skip this step to update components already available in your local workspace:

See command synopsis

Run the following command to update all components to their latest envs:


Update components of the same env to their latest env

Import components of the relevant env from their remote scope or skip this step to update components already available in your local workspace:

See command synopsis

Run the following command with the relevant env ID to update all components of the same env to their latest env:


Alternatively, update components to a specific env version:
