Build Artifacts

Any build task may generate artifacts. These artifacts can be persisted during the build process, as part of the component version data.
For example, the jest tester aspect generates a junit.xml file with all test results.

To list a component's artifacts, use the bit artifact command and provide the component's ID or full name:

bit artifacts ui/heading

You can show or fetch any of the artifacts:

bit artifact ui/heading --aspect teambit.pkg/pkg # fetch all artifacts generated by a specific aspect
bit artifact ui/heading --task GeneratePreview   # fetch all artifacts generated by a specific task
bit artifact ui/heading --files "*heading*"      # fetch all artifacts with a file name (from a pattern)

Use the --out-dir option to extract artifacts from the component objects to a directory inside your workspace directory:

bit artifacts ui/heading --out-dir my-artifacts-directory

Using during deployment

You can use artifacts in your Bit app deployment by accessing the context object as in the example below.

import type { AppDeployContext } from '@teambit/application';
import { exec } from 'node:child_process'
import { join } from 'path';

export function deploy(context: AppDeployContext) {
  const appDir = context.capsule.path;
  const artifacts = context.artifacts;
  // echos all app artifacts and their locations.
  await exec(`deploy ${artifactDirectory}`, {
    cwd: appDir

Use in CI scripts

You can use the artifacts command to write artifacts to the disk from your bash scripts:

bit artifacts --task build_application --out-dir build

The artifacts are now available in the new build directory, at the root of your project.