Creating lanes

Run the following to create a new lane:

See command synopsis

The output should inform you that a new lane has been created and that your workspace has now switched to that lane:

successfully added and checked out to a new lane my-lane

When on that lane, future snaps will be attached to it and detached from their component's history. They will only become a part of their component's history once the lane is merged with the 'main' lane.

Run the following to see additional information about the lane you're currently on:


The output should be similar to the following:

showing information for
author: Jane <> created: 5/17/2023, 12:28:03 PM components (0)
Create a lane based on another lane

To base your lane on another lane, switch to the lane you'd like to base your new lane on, and create a new lane. You should be notified that your new lane is based on another lane:

successfully added and checked out to a new lane my-lane

note - your new lane will be based on lane base-lane

Rename a lane

Run the following to rename a lane (without changing its scope):


The output should inform you that the lane has been renamed, and has been exported (the remote lane, if exists, has been updated as well):

the lane my-lane has been changed to my-renamed-lane, and has been exported successfully to the remote

Export a lane

To export a lane with its recent snaps, run the following:

See command synopsis

Change a lane's scope

Run the following to change a lane's scope:


The output should inform you that the lane's scope has been changed:

the remote scope of my-lane has been changed from to

Note that a lane can only change its scope if it's not been exported yet.