
Slots is a system for extensibility. They make it easy for Aspects to be pluggable by other Aspects.

Technically, it is a simple registry for objects. It can be used to expose APIs that allow for other Aspects to extend a certain component. We use slots to provide the ability for API consumers to inject logic and behavior. For example, behind the scenes, the CLI's aspect registerCommand API is just registering the command object to a Slot. Later on, it reads it when computing commands for Bit during bootstrap.

Simpler examples for Slots can be found across our UI, which allow you to register to the TopBar of the Component in the Workspace UI and allow the Scope UI to be extended with a new Drawer.

Using slots

Slots are used through another Aspect API which expose them, usually through an API method with the register prefix. In the next code example below, we use the CLI register method to inject a new command to Bit.

Most aspects across Bit expose slots in their APIs. Slots are available for UIs, Commands, server APIs and more and as a consumer it is just an implementation detail.

Exposing slots

Slots are really used by the API maintainer using it. Slots are created and injected by Harmony to aspect providers as seen in the example below.

This examples shows a simple slot for a Console function. This allows our aspect to expose a registerConsole API for others to hook and replace implementation.

import { Slot, SlotRegistry } from '@teambit/harmony';

export type ConsoleFn = (log: string) => void;
export type ConsoleSlot = SlotRegistry<ConsoleFn>;

export class HelloWorldMain {
  constructor(private config: HelloWorldConfig, private consoleSlot: ConsoleSlot) {}

  // an API for registering new type of consoles.
  registerConsole(fn: ConsoleFn) {
    return this;

  // method for saying hello now also invokes a console.
  sayHello() {
    // obtain the console instance from the slot container.
    const consoleFn = this.consoleSlot.get(this.config.consoleId);
    const str = `hello ${this.config.worldName}!`;

    // invoke the slot.
    if (consoleFn) consoleFn(str);
    return str;

  static dependencies = [CLIAspect];

  static defaultConfig = {
    consoleId: 'teambit.logger/file-console',

  static slots = Slot.withType<ConsoleSlot>();
  static async provider([cli]: [CLIMain], config: HelloWorldConfig, [consoleSlot]: [ConsoleSlot]) {
    cli.register([new MyCommand()]);
    return new HelloWorldMain(config, consoleSlot);

Slots objects include an API for listing registered items, obtaining them and more.

Obtaining an instance

Slots are indexing objects by their corresponding Component ID and provide an API for accessing the objects it contains.

Invoking slot.get() would try and retrieve the instance registered by the corresponding aspect.

const instance = consoleSlot.get('my-org.scope/my-aspect');
console.log(instance); // retrieves an instance registered to the slot by 'my-org.scope/my-aspect' if any.

Registering a new instance

Registering a new instance to the slot is done using the slot.register() API.

consoleSlot.register((log) => console.log(log));
console.log(consoleSlot.values()); // retrieves a list of all values. In this case: Function[].

Listing all registered instances

Registering a new instance to the slot is done using the slot.register() API.

const instances = consoleSlot.values();
console.log(instances); // retrieves a list of all values. In this case: Function[].

Listing all registered instances with their keys

Listing instances in a slot with their keys is done using the slot.toArray() API.

const instances = consoleSlot.toArray();
console.log(instances); // retrieves list of a key-value pair instances. { 'my-org.scope/my-aspect': Function }