Create an immutable and exportable component snapshot (non-release version)
$bit snap [component-pattern]


component-patterncomponent name, component id, or component pattern. use component pattern to select multiple components. wrap the pattern with quotes. use comma to separate patterns and "!" to exclude. e.g. "ui/**, !ui/button". use '$' prefix to filter by states/attributes, e.g. '$deprecated', '$modified' or '$env:teambit.react/react'. use `bit pattern --help` to understand patterns better and `bit pattern <pattern>` to validate the pattern.. By default, only new and modified components are snapped (add --unmodified to snap all components in the workspace).


OptionOption AliasDescriptionValue Type
--message-msnap message describing the latest changes - will appear in component history logstring
--unmodified-uinclude unmodified components (by default, only new and modified components are snapped)boolean
--unmerged-complete a merge process by snapping the unmerged componentsboolean
--build-blocally run the build pipeline (i.e. not via rippleCI) and complete the snapboolean
--editor-open an editor to write a snap message per component. optionally specify the editor-name (defaults to vim).string
--skip-tests-skip running component tests during snap processboolean
--skip-tasks-skip the given tasks. for multiple tasks, separate by a comma and wrap with quotes. specify the task-name (e.g. "TypescriptCompiler") or the task-aspect-id (e.g. teambit.compilation/compiler)string
--skip-auto-snap-skip auto snapping dependentsboolean
--disable-snap-pipeline-skip the snap pipeline. this will for instance skip packing and publishing component version for install, and app deploymentboolean
--ignore-build-errors-proceed to snap pipeline even when build pipeline failsboolean
--rebuild-deps-graph-do not reuse the saved dependencies graph, instead build it from scratchboolean
--ignore-issues-iignore component issues (shown in "bit status" as "issues found"), issues to ignore: [MissingPackagesDependenciesOnFs, MissingManuallyConfiguredPackages, UntrackedDependencies, ResolveErrors, RelativeComponents, RelativeComponentsAuthored, ParseErrors, MissingDists, LegacyInsideHarmony, MissingDependenciesOnFs, ImportNonMainFiles, MultipleEnvs, MissingLinksFromNodeModulesToSrc, CircularDependencies, DuplicateComponentAndPackage, MergeConfigHasConflict, NonLoadedEnv, ExternalEnvWithoutVersion, RemovedDependencies, DeprecatedDependencies, SelfReference, ImportFromDirectory] to ignore multiple issues, separate them by a comma and wrap with quotes. to ignore all issues, specify "*".string
--fail-fast-stop pipeline execution on the first failed task (by default a task is skipped only when its dependency failed)boolean