Merge changes of the remote head into local - auto-snaps all merged components
$bit merge [ids...]
Additional Notes
merge changes of the remote head into local when they are diverged. when on a lane, merge the remote head of the lane into the local and creates snaps for merged components that have diverged, on the lane. if no ids are specified, all pending-merge components will be merged. (run "bit status" to list them). optionally use '--abort' to revert the last merge. to revert a lane merge, use "bit lane merge-abort" command. you can use a pattern for multiple ids, such as bit merge "utils/*". (wrap the pattern with quotes to avoid collision with shell commands)


OptionOption AliasDescriptionValue Type
--ours-DEPRECATED. use --auto-merge-resolve. in case of a conflict, keep the local modificationboolean
--theirs-DEPRECATED. use --auto-merge-resolve. in case of a conflict, override the local modification with the specified versionboolean
--manual-same as "--auto-merge-resolve manual". in case of merge conflict, write the files with the conflict markersboolean
--auto-merge-resolve-rin case of a conflict, resolve according to the strategy: [ours, theirs, manual]string
--abort-in case of an unresolved merge, revert to pre-merge stateboolean
--resolve-mark an unresolved merge as resolved and create a new snap with the changesboolean
--no-snap-do not auto snap even if the merge completed without conflictsboolean
--build-in case of snap during the merge, run the build-pipeline (similar to bit snap --build)boolean
--verbose-show details of components that were not merged successfullyboolean
--skip-dependency-installation-xdo not install new dependencies resulting from the mergeboolean
--message-moverride the default message for the auto snapstring