The preview is a way to display the documentation and the compositions of a component. You can override the preview method of your custom env to customize how your docs and compositions are bundled and rendered:
// @filename: my-angular-env.bit-env.ts import { AngularV18Env } from '@bitdev/angular.envs.angular-v18-env'; import { Preview } from '@teambit/preview'; import { EnvHandler } from '@teambit/envs'; import { AngularPreview } from '@bitdev/'; export class MyAngularEnv extends AngularV18Env { preview(): EnvHandler<Preview> { return AngularPreview.from({ /* preview config goes here */ }); } } export default new MyAngularEnv();
A component's preview configuration does not affect production code.
The preview handles both the dev server and the bundler. You can configure both of them independently, see Development Tools - Dev server and Development Tools - Bundler for more information.
You can render your components in different contexts and variations with compositions,
which are displayed in the Compositions
Update the glob patterns listed in the env.jsonc
file of your custom env to determine which files,
in a component's directory, should be loaded as compositions.
{ "patterns": { "compositions": [ "**/*.composition.*", "**/*.preview.*", "**/*.my-custom-pattern.*" ] } }
Since compositions are only used for development, every composition file is considered as a dev file. A single component can have multiple composition files.
Your components might require a certain context to function properly, or to better simulate their behavior in possible host applications.
We recommend using "wrapper" components in your compositions to avoid repeating the same code and to standardize your compositions' "playground".
Angular v14 and above
The simplest solution to build a wrapper is to use a standalone component to project the composition
in an <ng-content>
element. Setting ViewEncapsulation.None
on the wrapper component removes the
scope of your wrapper styles and lets your composition inherit the wrapper's styles.
You can also use :host ::ng-deep
in your theme styles to affect all descendant elements.
The following example wraps every composition with a theme provider:
// @filename: my-angular-env.bit-env.ts import { AngularV18Env } from '@bitdev/angular.envs.angular-v18-env'; import { Preview } from '@teambit/preview'; import { EnvHandler } from '@teambit/envs'; import { AngularPreview } from '@bitdev/'; export class MyAngularEnv extends AngularV18Env { preview(): EnvHandler<Preview> { return AngularPreview.from({ mounterPath: require.resolve('./preview/mounter') }); } } export default new MyAngularEnv();
Angular v13 and below
If you are using an old version of Angular that doesn't have standalone components, you can use a regular component. It will automatically be transformed into a web component that dynamically embeds your content into its shadow dom:
// @filename: my-angular-env.bit-env.ts import { AngularV18Env } from '@bitdev/angular.envs.angular-v18-env'; import { Preview } from '@teambit/preview'; import { EnvHandler } from '@teambit/envs'; import { AngularPreview } from '@bitdev/'; export class MyAngularEnv extends AngularV18Env { preview(): EnvHandler<Preview> { return AngularPreview.from({ mounterPath: require.resolve('./preview/mounter') }); } } export default new MyAngularEnv();
Host dependencies
Just like other peer dependencies used for component previewing, you should include composition
providers only once in the bundle of your env and exclude them from the preview bundle of your components.
You can do that by configuring the hostDependencies
property of your preview. For example:
import { AngularV18Env } from '@bitdev/angular.envs.angular-v18-env'; import { Preview } from '@teambit/preview'; import { EnvHandler } from '@teambit/envs'; import { AngularPreview } from '@bitdev/'; export class MyAngularEnv extends AngularV18Env { preview(): EnvHandler<Preview> { return AngularPreview.from({ mounterPath: require.resolve('./preview/mounter'), hostDependencies: [ /* your composition provider */ '@my-scope/my-theme.provider', /* make sure to include the following dependencies that are used for the preview, as well */ '@teambit/mdx.ui.mdx-scope-context', '@mdx-js/react', 'react', 'react-dom', ], }); } }
Other options
The mounter component has a few other options that you can use to customize the way your compositions are rendered.
You can pass the hostElement
property to the createMounter
function to specify the element that
will be used to mount your compositions in your index.html file. For example:
import { createMounter } from '@bitdev/'; import { WrapperModule } from './wrapper'; const ngApp = document.getElementById('ng-app'); export default createMounter(WrapperModule, {hostElement: ngApp});
Finally, the appConfig
property of the createMounter
function lets you define some providers that
will be available in your compositions (see the Angular documentation). For example:
import { ApplicationConfig } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { createMounter } from '@bitdev/'; import { WrapperModule } from './wrapper'; const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = { providers: [ {provide: BACKEND_URL, useValue: ''} ] }; export default createMounter(WrapperModule, {appConfig});