Composable Platforms

You can use Bit to build every composable architecture, from a service-oriented architecture to building apps and reusing components for rapid app development.

Our minimalistic open-source framework Harmony for composable platforms can take your composable architecture one step forward towards greater pluggability, business orientation and simplicity for your platform.

Evolution of composable software. Introducing Harmony.
Evolution of composable software. Introducing Harmony.

Service-oriented Platforms

Platforms are used to stitch Bit apps, including micro-services and micro-frontends into unified platforms.

A SOA platform composing micro-frontends and micro-services
A SOA platform composing micro-frontends and micro-services
  • Unified platform. Build platform components to compose your micro-frontends and micro-services into a unified platform.
  • Runtime stitching. Orchestration of Bit Apps, including stitching env variables and spawaning the dev servers.
  • Distributed development. Distribute development of services using components, use build time integration where needed.
  • Incremental adoption. Compose existing micro-services, and micro-frontends to your platform and create news ones with Bit.

Pluggable platforms

You can use Harmony to build pluggable and domain-driven platforms. It allows you compose your existing micro-frontends and micro-services into a pluggable feature you can use to compose unified platforms.

An Harmony platforms composing existing services and new Bit components
An Harmony platforms composing existing services and new Bit components
  • Composable features. Aspects encapsulate implementation details and turn composable architecture into composable business features.
  • Pluggability. Aspects are pluggable to platforms, and allow to be extended by other aspects
  • Inversion of control. Invert the control over integration and allow teams to integrate features to the platform themselves.
  • Incremental adoption. Use your existing micro-services and micro-frontends and compose them quickly into a pluggable feature.

Ripple CI

Ripple CI allows development to be distributed, independent and contextualized to the team building a feature without compromising on performance, safety and dev experience.

A feature workspace for team independently releasing
A feature workspace for team independently releasing
  • Everfast builds. Ripple CI is increamental and reusable. Make your CI builds everlast speed
  • Build time performance. Leverage build time to optimize your apps performance. Decouple runtime integration from deployment independence.
  • Team independence. Use Ripple to empower teams to test and integrate the platform independently.
  • Distributed development. Start small and scale to independent teams maintaining features of your platform.