Create React Apps

React app components uses Vite by default. You can also use Webpack, ESBuild or other build tools.

An app is a component that can be served, built and deployed. Naturally, apps have dependencies (components and packages) but no dependents. For example, the apps/bit-dev component is an app which uses ui/community-docs.

Create a new app component

Run the following to create an app using your env's component generator:


Run the following using the app's component ID to make this app loadable by your workspace:


Run an app

Run the following to list all available apps in your workspace:


The output lists the IDs of the available app components and their corresponding app names:

├────────────────────────────────┼──────────┤ my-app

Run the following to run an app locally, independent of Bit's dev server:


The output is similar the following (open the listed path and port in your browser, to explore your app):

my-app app is running on http://localhost:3000

Export an app from an existing component

You can turn any Bit component into an app by adding a *.bit-app.ts file to your component. The example below shows a Bit app using the Vite application type:

import { ViteReact } from '@bitdev/';

export const MyApp = ViteReact.from({
   * name of your app.
  name: 'my-app',

   * determine whether to use ssr mode or not.
  ssr: false,

export default MyApp;

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