App Build

The build pipeline of an app component includes an additional build task which generates the app's artifacts.

To test your app's build without snapping and deploying you app, run its build pipeline:


Alternatively, snap your app component to build, version and deploy it (if a deployer is set):



The app's build pipeline generates its artifacts in your workspace capsule directory. Run the following command to get the path to your workspace capsule directory:


The output is similar to the following:

workspace capsules root-dir: /Users/user/Library/Caches/Bit/capsules/4fdc274b...

The artifacts of your app are located inside the artifacts/apps directory of your app component.

You can use a node app such as serve to serve the build bundle directly from its capsule:


Modify webpack configuration

You can change how bit builds your application by changing the angularBuildOptions property in the app plugin file. Those options are similar to the Angular CLI build options that could be found in a regular angular.json file.

The full list of the Angular build options and their default values can be found in the JSON schemas of the @angular-devkit/build-angular package: browser options

Bit's Angular app-type uses Webpack for bundling, just like Angular CLI does. This means that you can also change the bundle strategy by passing Webpack transformers with the webpackBuildTransformers option.

For example, the following snippet will generate a sitemap:

import { AngularAppOptions } from '@bitdev/';
import type { WebpackConfigTransformer } from '@teambit/webpack';
import SiteMapPlugin from 'sitemap-webpack-plugin';
import { myRoutes } from './src/my-routes';

export const addSitemap: WebpackConfigTransformer = (
) => {
    new SiteMapPlugin({
      base: '',
      paths: [...myRoutes],
  return configMutator;

export const MyAngularAppOptions: AngularAppOptions = {
  // ...
  webpackTransformers: [addSitemap],

export default MyAngularAppOptions;

Note that an app's configuration overwrite the preview configuration set by its env. An Angular app component may also have one set of bundle configurations for its component previews and a different one for its deployment. That means, among other things, that a working composition does not guarantee a working app (and vice-versa).