Create a Remote Scope

Scope is a collaboration server for components. It is where components are exported to and imported from. Scopes provide a Web UI and expose a GraphQL API. They can be extended and customized using Bit aspects.

Choose between hosting a scope on (for free) and self-hosting:

Bit uses as its default hosting provider. To register or sign in from your terminal, run the following:


Once an account has been created successfully, your terminal will greet you with the following message:

success! logged in as <account-name>

Now that you have set up your account and logged in, head over to the create scope page to create a new scope. Choose a name for your scope that describes the common purpose or functionality of your components.

Set a scope as the workspace default scope

Now that you've created a remote scope on, verify that the defaultScope property in the workspace.jsonc config file, is set to the correct username/org and scope name.

  "teambit.workspace/workspace": {
    /* set a scope with this pattern: <username-or-org>.<scope-name> */
    "defaultScope": "my-org.tasks-scope"

The scope name is part of the component ID. When the scope name changes, the relevant component IDs change. To reflect that change in the component package names, run the following:

Maintaining components of different scopes in the same workspace

The defaultScope property defines the default scope name for components in that workspace. However, components in the same workspace can be configured to use different scopes.

You can set a scope on a component (directly) when creating a new component, or after a component was created:

See command synopsis

Reset all components

Once a component is snapped, its scope name can no longer be changed. To reset all components (which exist only locally) back to their 'new' and un-versioned state, run:


Alternatively, use the scope command shown above, to change the scope name while still retaining the components' history.