Update components

Components are often installed as external dependencies that are consumed by components in that workspace, but are not maintained by that workspace. Updating these components is similar to updating packages.

Run the following to list all available updates:

See command synopsis

The output lists all outdated (direct) external dependencies, as well as the workspace components using them (in this case, apps/to-do). Select the components to update using the space key and execute the command using the return key.

● @teambit/design.info.icon-text (runtime) 0.0.8 ❯ 0.0.10 because of my-org.tasks-scope/apps/to-do@0.0.5
○ @teambit/design.inputs.input-text (runtime) 0.0.2 ❯ 1.0.9 because of my-org.tasks-scope/apps/to-do@0.0.5

The new component version is now listed in the workspace dependency policy. This policy updates the apps/to-do dependency graph with a newer version of info/icon-text.

Updating specific components

Update a specific dependency using the bit install --update flag:

See command synopsis

Specify the version to install a specific version:

See command synopsis

Updating workspace components

Components can be imported to every workspace and thus, can also accept updates.


Alternatively, run bit install to install the workspace dependencies and import new component snaps, in a single command.

The output lists all updated components. These updates are not checked-out to the working directory, yet.

successfully imported 1 components, 0 components are up to date
- updated my-org.tasks-scope/apps/to-do 2 new version(s) available, latest 0.0.3

Components with pending updates are also listed when running bit status.

Once components are updated, you can update your components to head:
